Sunday, January 9, 2011

it's been a delicious week.

wow, i can't believe it's already saturday evening!  this past week has seriously flown by for me.  my husband has been on a work vacation for the past 10 days and i have to say, i really wish tomorrow weren't the last day of it.  i'm really loving the fact that i can sit back after the kids go to bed and enjoy a nice glass of wine.  i don't ever drink anything when i'm alone in case there is ever an emergency, so having the husband here has really been a treat.

i've also been spoiled with getting enough time in the kitchen without having to baby gate the kids in their room while i cook a good meal.  they're always in some kind of trouble otherwise, so i need to keep them jailed in.  and let me tell you, they ALWAYS act like i've put them behind a barbed wire fence once that baby gate goes up.  my 3 year old saying over and over, "mommy!!!  i wanna get out!  moooooooom?  somebody?  i wanna get out!".  and then my 10 month old will be fussing and fussing and fussing for 30 minutes, until it's time to eat.  anyway, it's just nice to cook in peace and quiet.  --- to have someone here to entertain them while i fix up something scrumptious!  i've been spoiled rotten, and i'm sure going to miss it.

on that note, here's what i got to throw together tonight... in peace and quiet :)

chicken curry masala:

1 lb of boneless skinless chicken breasts
2 cans of diced tomatoes (or fresh tomatoes diced)
1 yellow onion, chopped
3 tbsp curry masala spice mix
1 can of coconut milk
1 cup of uncooked basmati fragrant rice

serves 4

saute the onions, then add chicken.  cook chicken all the way through.

add diced tomatoes (i chose to dice my own fresh tomatoes versus using canned), curry masala spice mix...

and my brother in-law's key ingredient... coconut milk.  (instead of yogurt)
cook the rice separate.  i used mahatma basmati fragrant rice, and it's freaking delicious!

 simmer the ingredients for about 20 minutes.  add a bit of fresh lemon juice to keep it from sticking if you'd like.  (i did.)

serve over the rice, and enjoy!


  1. I love your Groa cardigan and that meal looks SO amazing!

  2. Chicken Masala -- yummy! It sounds like you've had a wonderful week.

  3. Oh, this recipe sounds great! I'm going to have to try it soon. =) And your outfit is so great!

  4. Chrissy - thank you! i think i wear the sweater at least twice a week. it's one of my most cherished clothing items. :)

    Jamie - it was yummy! and i just ate leftovers for lunch. i'm pretty sure i could have turned the 4 servings into about 8 if i were eating it myself, but mu husband eats like a horse!

    Carol - i think what truly does make the recipe, is the coconut milk. my brothr in-law was spot on with that suggestion!

  5. You and your kids should be catalog models. lol

  6. Tweed coats are timeless - you look casual and fantastic! Glad you guys have some good family time together and off of work!

  7. Sam - bahahaha! thanks. you're hilarious!

    Lisa - i'll have to do a few more ootd's with this coat. i wear it all the time afterall, so it would only make sense. i call it my "lady coat". :)

  8. Love the cardi. Did you take those photo yourself? Look so professional.

    I can totally relate to you about needing the peace in your cooking time. It felt very therapeutic. My daughter used to always scream for help as if it is some kind of emergency when the oil is hot. I really hate to have to turn off the range in the middle to attend to her or sometimes I forgot to turn it off and things would burn and all the prep was in vain. Nowadays she is older so she will be able to entertain herself with some drawing and crafts and I can really concentrate. My son still runs around to check if dinner is ready, but kind of in a "I can't wait to see what you come up with" way so it is all good. Hang in there, you will have your break soon :-) as kids grow up fast!
